Anglesea Valley Lodge and Camp Nillahcootie December 2022 and January 2023 Please refer to the following brochures for all info on dates, how to apply and activities. Anglesea Valley Lodge Camp...
Imagine being in year 7 in 2020 and 2021… The excitement of moving from Primary School to Secondary School. Or what about being in year 6 and missing the end of primary school. For those coming into year 7, it was about the anticipation of new friends, a different...
Anglesea Valley Lodge AKA AVL Located 30 minutes from Geelong. Located at the head of Anglesea River Located adjacent to the National Park Located a short walk from Auscamp Adventure Base Located a 25 minute drive from Anglesea main Beach, 25 minutes from Torquay and...
We are moving into winter, let’s hope the silly season is behind us and we can get a break to allow us to plan for the rest of the year. We are getting ready for the winter, there is the lodge to set up, snow programs to plan and some journeys and seminars at our...
We know some of you are nervous about booking your camps in. Here is what we can offer you. Sole occupancy Choice of our variety of sites , Charnwood, Nillahcootie, AVL and for really small groups or mountain journeys there is Auscamp Alpine Lodge. All are COVID safe...
After lockdowns and serious restrictions, people have changed. It seems that we have reviewed the value of community and friendship. Perhaps we are looking at life in a less self-focused and absorbed way. These positive community changes. These are changes we should...