maker space poster with mud map version 3
We are so proud to launch our Maker space at Charnwood in 2020. The Maker Space is an interactive experience that gets people in touch with making and doing inside our maker shed. A real opportunity to learn from our past in preparation for the future. This is what you have been waiting to enhance your camp and give your students an additional highlight experience.
Activities in our maker space include
plastic recycling – What can we do with plastic products once we finish with them? This activity is about re-purposing, re-using and recycling.
mud brick making – using moulds you can make your own mud bricks and learn about this process.
the fire pit – outside the maker space can be used for bush cooking, safe fire use, and shmoozing while you wait.
bush cooking – pizza/ bread baking – you can make your very own pizza and bread from scratch using traditional methods.
paper recycling – this activity is about re-purposing and using paper in innovative ways.
woodwork – making statues, window frames, and carvings. this could include post and rail fencing and old style games such as hookey and quoits.
river crossing and bike ride – for the more physical, we can include bike rides around the maker place.
bridge build – we give you the stuff, you build a bridge, it’s that simple.
wood splitting – we have camp fires… we need wood. learn to chop and split logs. for the more advanced, try your hand at shingle making.
drum composting – doesn’t take long to learn about our compost use. You might even put some of it on the veggie garden.
plaster moulds – see your ideas come to life, using clay, your hands, and of course your creativity.
vegetable garden – in our orchard we are planting carrots, pumpkins, and tomatoes, and learning how it all happens from seedling to supper.
chooks – common name: chickens. they lay eggs and are really awesome.
metal work/blacksmithing – this is a demonstration activity where you learn about the processes and assist.
building mud brick walls – you will learn how to build a mud brick wall, using the mud bricks you already made.
art – use the products you make in any of the activities plus what is around in the environment to create both artistic and useful objects.
pickle making – Enjoy the process of pickle making and after its done you have a jar to take home to share.